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Institute of Construction Claims Practitioners

Speak to an Engineer-Lawyer now

08 8911 0420
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Speak to an Engineer-Lawyer now

08 8911 0420
Engineer & Strategic Lawyer Advice: Best of both worlds
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Experience - Value Focused - Results Driven

Our multiple qualifications in diverse fields and breadth of expertise in Design Engineering, Project Management, Project Controls, Scheduling, Quantity Surveying and the Law, uniquely positions us to engage on behalf of our clients with a wide range of participants in construction disputes (engineers, QSs and planners/ schedulers, legal counsel, external lawyers and barristers) with complete understanding of industry-specific language and terminology.

Our multi-qualified and experienced technico-legal experts do take the time to understand our client's unique situation and vision. Our commissions vary from a simple independent review and report where we act as an independent expert providing an opinion, to the preparation of a claim management strategy and claim documentation that provides solid substantiation of our client's rights. Because are engineers who also are as registered solicitors, when inevitable, we assist our clients by leading the more complex conduct of dispute resolution and litigation proceedings.

We encourage and promote the early settlement of disputes minimising claim preparation costs, shortening dispute times while reducing the high personal toll construction disputes can take on our clients - but not without placing them first in the strongest possible negotiating position.

We strive to support our clients across the building, infrastructure, rail and metro, mining, and oil and gas industries and take pride in the referrals and repeat business that have gained us the loyalty of our clients and have been pivotal in our growth.


General Counsel of a large Government Authority on a Rail Mega-Project

"They had access to a building full of lawyers against the two of us. Three years into the project not only the contractor had made us think that we were culpable for the extensive delays to the project, but we were very concerned we were liable for paying the large amounts of money claimed for delay and disruption. Albert's involvement changed all that, he took a deep dive examining the documented history of the project by reviewing in detail every document produced from the tender stage and determining their value from engineering, scheduling, and contract viewpoints. Andre found that the Main Contractor had implemented substantial deviations from the agreed execution plan in the contract immediately after contract award and that these unauthorised changes had delayed the ‘freezing’ of the design from the 3 months’ commitment in the contract to almost 2 years, substantiating the delays we were allegedly responsible for were instead self-inflicted. His presentation of the defence strategy to the City Mayor, CEO and upper management reinvigorated us and gave us the strength to fight back. Andre's reports and delay analysis showing that the claimed delay events were not in the critical path allowed us to reach a fair settlement of all claims for a fraction of the amounts claimed."

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Engineers Australia

About Us

Our aim is to bring clarity to Construction Disputes for Developer Builders, Contractors, and Corporations by using our 30-years plus of experience in the construction industry working as Design Engineers, Estimators, Schedulers, Contract Administrators, and Project Managers.

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1 Surcingle Drive,
Marlow Lagoon NT 0864
1300 710 864

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© 2025 Construction Lawyers Darwin | BAKER MERZ LAWYERS PTY LTD | ABN 40 650 782 317 | Liability Limited by a scheme under professional standards legislation